Monday, September 20, 2004

Star Wars

(Song of the moment: K3 - "Toveren")*

The news on the DVD version of the trilogy is - while not exactly thrilling, is at least something. CNN has a story on it here.

I still say it's appalling that Lucas had to add Hayden to the final scenes of Return. But it is to be expected that he would change some things. After all, this is the man who wanted Han to be "roguish" but in a revision decided that he was "too roguish" and made Greedo fire first. Oo-ta, Goo-ta, Solo?, indeed. Greedo was a pansy, is a pansy, will always be a pansy.

But, it is Lucas's world, and we are only allowed to play in it. Just makes you wonder, tho, if the ubermensch decides to create the final trilogy (originally wanted, then not wanted, then a question mark, then "Zahn's trilogy is the endpoint", then write off the entire literature that had been created, now maybe, now maybe not), what hideous monstrosity will that look like?

I didn't pre-order the trilogy. I will just repeatedly hit every store from the time I get off work til the time for trivia until I find it. I'd drive to Orlando if necessary. Hehe...

*- K3 is a Belgian trio of twenty-something femmes which have a bubblegum-pop/dance sound. Click here to go to their official site.

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