Monday, September 20, 2004


(Song of the moment: Gary Allan's "Lovin You Against My Will")

I have a few pet peeves - media publishing spelling errors (hell, any spelling errors) is probably the strongest. Media mis-pronouncing popular words (New Orleans pronounced as "Neu Or-leenz" instead of at least "Neu Or-linz", as one would expect only a South Louisianian to pronounce it "Naw'linz") is another.

(Edit: yes, there are accents - I dunno, I find accents rarely to be funny.)

I have another to add to the list.

These so-called countdown or "I Love the ...." shows where so-called comedians or pure idiots (well, can't call them idiots, because, after all, they are making money by sitting on their collective asses and talking about stuff they don't know) yak about songs. Why not just play the song? Do a real countdown? Why is Country Music Television (yes, it is a property of Viacom, ie. MTV & VH1) trying to become another VH1? Granted, the evil that is MTV doesn't play music videos anymore, and VH1's only redeeming factor is Insomniac Music Theatre (although that played Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved" five times in an hour and a half the other night), so the market may be pulling CMT the way of its brethren.

I loved "I Love the 80's". But an "I Love the 90's"? Jesus Christ. It was FIVE years ago people!! But, yes, the Almighty Dollar, that American God, pulls and twists everything. EVERYTHING!

And WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY is JOAN RIVERS(!!!!!!) doing hosting a COUNTRY countdown? The woman could do a Top 40 for plastic surgery operations, but Jayzis!

Btw, on their site, Garth's "The Thunder Rolls" is the only one you can't hear. And where's Gary Allan? (Lovin' You Against My Will) Where's the Eagles? (Lyin Eyes) Kenny & Dolly? (Daytime Friends & Night-time Lovers) There's plenty of others, classics, that can easily stack up against some of the ones they picked - Linda Ronstadt's "Dark End of the Street", "Fist City" by Loretta, "Goodbye Earl" by Dixie Chicks.

Oh well.


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