Thursday, September 30, 2004

Presidential Debate 9/30

The presidential debate is on...

Kerry sounds weak when opening.

1) free nations don't use terror -- Look at Israel. Look at Timothy McVeigh. Look at the IRA.
2) 10 million registered to vote in Afghanistan - out of how many? Aren't they afraid to run for office? Didn't they just try to assassinate Hamid Karzai?
3) We went after threats we saw - Iran? North Korea? Much stronger than Iraq.

Bush invoked God (prayer) in his opening - Kerry hasn't touched it.

Kerry is coming across as a whiner, while Bush is coming across as focused, if misguided.

Did Kerry just say that Bush did not think Saddam was 10x a threat that Usama was? (when comparing troop levels)

Bush just lied. It took a lot of pressure to get him to go to the UN.

Bush has mentioned September 11th 3 times so far (15 minutes in).

Bush: the capability to go after both Saddam and Usama - what about the stop/loss commands? The attrition rate in the troops? The morale factor? The fact that attacks occur in both countries and neither are very secure in their efforts at democracy?

Bush: Iraqis want to be free -- Not the ones attacking US troops. They may prefer to be secure rather than free.

Kerry: mentions weapons of mass destruction - this sounds like an error on his part - he may be talking about roadside bombings, but radiological, etc? May come off bad.

Bush: scores with the observation that deriding the war does not support the troops.

Kerry is using his body language to promote his message. Bush does look like a child saying "Please, sir, may I have some more?" when addressing the camera.

Bush - we created Department of Homeland Security - after he was against it.

Bush: promote the paranoia.

(PATRIOT Act - an error in judgement.)

Bush: Invoked 9/11 again

Kerry - invoked Vietnam again (2nd or 3rd time)

Bush: sticking to the theme that Kerry can't question the military. Affects morale.


Kerry - criticizes Iraq II, but immediately says the war is not a mistake (that the troops are not dying for a mistake) - doesn't that sound waffle-ish?

Bush - hammers on Kerry's notion that this is a false war. Hits on Kerry for criticizing the lack of allies, when there are Britain and Poland.

Neither mentions that countries have left the "Coalition of the Willing"

Bush mentions Japan as one, Koizumi as another when addressing summits of allies. Doesn't Koizumi run Japan as PM?

The point by Bush that a "peaceful Iraq will make this world a safer place". Anyone remember Weimar Germany? Anyone remember Yugoslavia electign Milosevic? Anyone currently aware that Putin is dismantling elections in Russia?


Both have included the security of Israel in the debate now.



Kerry: No timeline. But possible to begin reduction in numbers if we have international support. Need to train the Iraqis.

Bush: Training 100k people so far. According to news reports, some people do not have full loads in six-shooters against militants with RPGs.


Future interventionist wars:

Bush: Hopefully not. (Well, the other two members of the Axis of Evil have or are getting nukes. I guess we won't.)

Kerry: Doesn't address this, but does hammer Bush on leaving Afghanistan and Usama for Iraq. The real enemy in this war? Not Saddam.


Kerry is talking to intelligent people, Bush keeps going for the gut. (Kerry's legitimacy of interventionist/preemptive wars vs. Bush's if Americans are threatened (even if false reasoning))


I believe Kerry scored on North Korea and Iran. Bush is on record for refusing to talk to North Korea while they effectively built nukes.


Darfur: Not an issue to the majority of Americans. Helping Africa handle its problems is a laudable goal. Committing troops (both agree on this) is not an issue.
Kerry does score talking about back-door drafts and stop/loss programs. Bush ignores this.


Nuclear proliferation is the biggest threat for Kerry. Same for Bush. Then how did North Korea get nukes on Bush's watch? Does Iraq lessen as a priority for Bush if he gets re-elected?


Russia and Putin...

Bush said he trusted the man implicitly then dropped out of the ABM treaty. Bush may have castigated Putin on the removal of elections for regional governors, but it may be that Bush has no credibility in the eyes of Russia given treaty withdrawals as well as the expansion of NATO to the Russian border.

Kerry also said this is a problem for him as well.


Kerry, good message "The future belongs to ... freedom, not fear". Solid and consistent, even if at moments appearing weak and whiny.

Bush, still blind and focused on winning.

I think Kerry won. Bush avoided a lot of raised points.


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Power and prescriptions

(Song of the moment: Jesus and Mary Chain's "Just Like Honey" from the Lost in Translation soundtrack)

Well, after posting that, I lost my power for a couple of hours. Lovely. At least we had Monday off since the local prince shut down the city government. Most libraries had returned to work by today, though Regency remained closed due to being a low priority on JEA's list to fix. (Click here to see our closings) Our most productive branch library, generating our best statistics, but since a branch fell on the line, it's a low priority. Would it take too long to fix?


Been reading a lot lately, so many to read - House of Bush, House of Saud, Plan of Attack, A Republic, Not an Empire (Pat Buchanan from '99, I like it so far, but it's not Diplomacy), Imperial Hubris, and Through Our Enemy's Eyes. I need to look up the Schlesinger and Hersh books too. (War and the American President and Chain of Command, respectively.) Dunno if I will read Unfit for Command or Kitty Kelly's book. Haven't heard anyone recommend them.

Went to the doctor to talk about my "labs" - I guess that is the euphemism for lab results now - and got good/bad news. Found out my LDL count is lower than it used to be - good - but still not good enough. It's probably genetic. I do need to bring up the HDL count though. So now I'm on Lipitor. Whoo-whee.

(Have I said before the Rescue Me is a great TV show? Of course I missed CSI:NY which I also enjoyed, but *shrug*, I need a new VCR.)

Oh well,

Going to have to take care of a few things.


Saturday, September 25, 2004


(Song of the moment: Robert Cray - "Right Next Door" off the Strong Persuader CD)

Well, Jeanne is coming.

Yet another storm. Okay, we're up to the L's (and Matthew soon) in names. Four have already hit Florida (TS Bonnie, HC Charley, Francis, and Ivan). Jeanne will be here soon. It rains every day (almost), whether it's a big storm or an afternoon convection storm. *Sigh*

So I ordered pizza.

Watched LSU win. Totally blew out Mississippi State (51-0), then watched Arkansas beat Alabama (24-10) which was also pleasant.

Other than that, it's been all work and no play (making Jack a dull boy...)


Monday, September 20, 2004


(Song of the moment: Gary Allan's "Lovin You Against My Will")

I have a few pet peeves - media publishing spelling errors (hell, any spelling errors) is probably the strongest. Media mis-pronouncing popular words (New Orleans pronounced as "Neu Or-leenz" instead of at least "Neu Or-linz", as one would expect only a South Louisianian to pronounce it "Naw'linz") is another.

(Edit: yes, there are accents - I dunno, I find accents rarely to be funny.)

I have another to add to the list.

These so-called countdown or "I Love the ...." shows where so-called comedians or pure idiots (well, can't call them idiots, because, after all, they are making money by sitting on their collective asses and talking about stuff they don't know) yak about songs. Why not just play the song? Do a real countdown? Why is Country Music Television (yes, it is a property of Viacom, ie. MTV & VH1) trying to become another VH1? Granted, the evil that is MTV doesn't play music videos anymore, and VH1's only redeeming factor is Insomniac Music Theatre (although that played Maroon 5's "She Will Be Loved" five times in an hour and a half the other night), so the market may be pulling CMT the way of its brethren.

I loved "I Love the 80's". But an "I Love the 90's"? Jesus Christ. It was FIVE years ago people!! But, yes, the Almighty Dollar, that American God, pulls and twists everything. EVERYTHING!

And WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY is JOAN RIVERS(!!!!!!) doing hosting a COUNTRY countdown? The woman could do a Top 40 for plastic surgery operations, but Jayzis!

Btw, on their site, Garth's "The Thunder Rolls" is the only one you can't hear. And where's Gary Allan? (Lovin' You Against My Will) Where's the Eagles? (Lyin Eyes) Kenny & Dolly? (Daytime Friends & Night-time Lovers) There's plenty of others, classics, that can easily stack up against some of the ones they picked - Linda Ronstadt's "Dark End of the Street", "Fist City" by Loretta, "Goodbye Earl" by Dixie Chicks.

Oh well.


Political commentary

(Song of the moment: Dr. Dre w/ Snoop - "'Nuthin' but a 'G Thang" off Chronic)

Kerry waffles again. Bush is a straight-as-an-arrow, but lead you down a blind alley in the middle of a 'Crip and Blud turf war. Nothing changes.

I am voting for Kerry for one reason - to get the neos out of office. Perhaps Kerry will "Iraqify" Iraq like Nixon performed in 'Nam. Perhaps he will be the weakest, most inept leader we ever have (although Silent Cal still gets that one). But if I have to choose between a man willing to admit he's changed his mind, or a man who will never admit wrongdoing (although hints here and there will say he "miscalculated", but this is Scott Mclellan or someone else doing the talking). Hell, his own party is attacking his policy in Iraq. (But the two-faced SOBs will vote for him anyway.)

The National Guard is another issue. William Saletan (of Slate magazine) sums it up nicely here. The Guard are doing things they SHOULD NOT BE DOING in Iraq when they're urgently needed at home. We've had a ton of 'canes in Florida. Ivan in Alabama. Forest fire season is still on in the West. That's what the Guard should be about. Assisting and protecting the citizenry. Honestly, I'd like it removed from the ability of the President to automatically mobilize the militas of the states (the National Guard) and place them in combat duty overseas without some kind of compensation. And by that, I mean hiring unemployed, qualified people to fill that lowered productivity on a temporary basis. By providing the same living - as in income, etc. - to the families who lose money having loved ones overseas (OR KILLED) who cannot provide at home. By providing competitive wages to the military as opposed to sub-contracting $1,000/day truck drivers when tankers get $100 a day if that.

Active duty, yes. Reserve duty, yes. Guard is for guarding, you Bible-thumping moron. (No, he's not a moron, but he royally ticks me off.)

Btw, this whole 'Nam bullshit is one of the reasons why young people don't vote. Young people are turned off by focusing on the past to defile or glorify someone who can barely relate to them. Focus on today's domestic issues. Focus on issues facing young people. They are citizens, even if they're (18-21) the most legally discriminated against group in America.


Kerry me.


LSU Tigers..... *sigh*

(Song of the moment: Velvet Chain - "Strong" off the Ultimate Buffy soundtrack)

Well, LSU lost the game to Auburn (Go here if you really want to read the summary).


I injured myself watching this one as well. Other knee this time. Jumped up, came down, hit my knee on my weights and got cut. By the end of this season, I'm gonna need a stretcher and a transfusion.

Dammit!!! 10-9

So we drop out of the Top 10.

So Jason Campbell (of Auburn) is SEC Player of the Week.

So Auburn is FedEx Orange Bowl National Team of the Week.

Fuck 'em. We've got Mississippi State coming up on the 25th, UGA after that on the 2nd, then Florida on the 9th. We need to rip some.

(Although we do need a consistent QB - which was known to be a problem already - and a decent KICKER FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!)


Star Wars

(Song of the moment: K3 - "Toveren")*

The news on the DVD version of the trilogy is - while not exactly thrilling, is at least something. CNN has a story on it here.

I still say it's appalling that Lucas had to add Hayden to the final scenes of Return. But it is to be expected that he would change some things. After all, this is the man who wanted Han to be "roguish" but in a revision decided that he was "too roguish" and made Greedo fire first. Oo-ta, Goo-ta, Solo?, indeed. Greedo was a pansy, is a pansy, will always be a pansy.

But, it is Lucas's world, and we are only allowed to play in it. Just makes you wonder, tho, if the ubermensch decides to create the final trilogy (originally wanted, then not wanted, then a question mark, then "Zahn's trilogy is the endpoint", then write off the entire literature that had been created, now maybe, now maybe not), what hideous monstrosity will that look like?

I didn't pre-order the trilogy. I will just repeatedly hit every store from the time I get off work til the time for trivia until I find it. I'd drive to Orlando if necessary. Hehe...

*- K3 is a Belgian trio of twenty-something femmes which have a bubblegum-pop/dance sound. Click here to go to their official site.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Week so far...

(Song of the moment, Avril Lavigne's "My Happy Ending")

Over the week, Ivan visited the U.S.

Parts of I-10 were washed out:



  • New Orleans got some flooding, but not too much. Called Mom a few times to make sure she was ok.

    I've watched Resident Evil: Apocalypse which wasn't great, but enjoyable for what it was, a popcorn flick lasting 80 minutes.

    The Star Wars DVDs are coming out Tuesday!!!!! I think I will have to take a day off to watch them.

    Been working my arse off. Rarely taking breaks, and staying an extra half hour on average to try and finish off a couple of projects. Nothing compared to my brother and his 14-15 hour days.

    Went out Tuesday, and played trivia at Tom & Betty's and the Art Bar again. Then I visited Caesar's in Jax (link) which was a disappointment (but then again, it was a Tuesday).


    Thursday, September 09, 2004

    Shout outs...

    ... to my buddy Ted, who turned 30 on September 8th. I wish I could've been in BR to help ya celebrate, but busy as all get out here. With Ivan coming, probably should've said "f*ck the work" and got the hell out of dodge, but you know what they say about hindsight.

    ... to my buddy Chris, who lives down in Tampa and has been through a couple of 'canes and has the Mad Russian bearing down on the 4 Corridor now. Hope you're gonna stay dry, bud.

    (Song of the moment, Kenny Chesney (w/ Uncle Cracker), "When the Sun Goes Down")


    Recent happenings

    (Song of the moment, Avril Lavigne's "Don't Tell Me")

    Well, haven't updated since 8/17, so here's the latest happening in my life...

    LSU won its season opener, although it was a tense game, with us having to come from behind like that. In my excitement and enthusiasm, I jumped up from my computer and promptly pulled/strained my knee. Spent the entire weekend and most of this week limping around in Advil and ibuprofen-dulled pain.

    My car decided to start having problems. At first there's noise in the front tires. Then my rear driver-side window stops working. Then my A/C goes out due to a bad blower motor. So, atm I'm driving a big ole Chevy Silverado King Cab for a rental and I hope the car will be fixed tomorrow. Smooth ride, but not used to it.

    I've gone out a few times recently, made some friends. There's a local hookah restaurant (called Hookah's, read a story mentioning it) that a friend and I visited, as well as a bar called the Ritz (story mentioning it and the Jags). The Art Bar, as well as the local Hooter's, Tom & Betty's, and Mellow Mushroom are good places to eat and play trivia.

    Worked o/t a few times, have had fun at work. Other than that...



    Living here in Jacksonville is a bit different than ole Baton Rouge. BR's last serious 'cane was Andrew in 1992. Here, we've had effects from three so far - a tornado from Bonnie, rain for a day (and some wind) from Charley, and Frances has seriously knocked Jax on its collective butt. 22,000 people were without power over the weekend, 16,000 still live in the dark today.

    And yet, we still put on a national show to kick off the NFL football season.

    Wonder what the city will do after the Mad Russian comes?