Monday, June 27, 2005

Supreme Court ruling on Brand X

Well.... Even with a supposedly "balanced" Court, the following has happened:

Cable gets big win - As of now, the Supreme Court has thrown away the ingenuity that led to the Internet explosion. When phone companies were forced to allow their lines to be used by third-party companies, third-party long-distance companies came into being. The old TelAmerica, MCI, Sprint, WorldCom, etc., came into being. With the relaxed nature of the control over phone lines, AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc., grew to use those lines in their dial-ups and engineered the Internet Age which we currently live in. (Okay, it might be a reach, but seriously... if the oligopoly were still in effect during that time period, do you think AOL would've been able to work? We'd all be using Bellsouth.Net or or something.)

We're moving backward people.



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