Monday, June 27, 2005

No More Deep Throats? Ever?

Well, the Supreme Court did it. Miller and Cooper may actually end up doing time for refusing to reveal their sources on the controversial leaking of Mr. Wilson's wife's role as a CIA operative - and no, we're not talking Dennis the Menace's neighbor. These two correspondents - Mr. Cooper for TIME and Ms. Miller for the New York Times - are trying to uphold the nature of investigative reporting held since the days when Woodward and Bernstein broke the Watergate scandal, bringing down the presidency of a certain "I am Not a Crook" personage. With their attempts to keep their sources private, these two may end up in jail until they give up the name(s) of the individual(s) who leaked the information to them.

The rub of it all, however, is that ROBERT NOVAK - the right-wing nut on CROSSFIRE, a relic from the days of Nixon who publicly castigated Mr. Phelt (aka Deep Throat) - has not revealed whether he has cooperated with the investigation or not. Either Novak has - and is a spineless coward - or he hasn't - and isn't being touched for one reason or another (possibly that he's a RIGHT WING NUT and the investigating D.A. is a Republican. I'm not saying there's smoke or fire on Fitzgerald (who's been an upstanding, Elliot Ness-type apparently), just saying that something's fishy about Novak. Or weasel-ly.)

Regardless, do you think if this goes to its currently logical conclusion, that any new voice of criticism will leak criminal activity to the media? While Ms. Plame (Wilson's wife) is not a Nixon, the aim of the articles were to rebut the accusations appearing earlier about Mr. Wilson and his wife. Woodward and Bernstein would be doing time in today's world apparently.

Other takes:

Financial Times



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