Friday, June 10, 2005

Long time no see....

A return from the dead, I guess.

Haven't updated this blog in months. But, that will change.

Stories upcoming - love found and lost, parts of a story I'm writing, tales of high adventure.

Today was a good day at work - got some things accomplished. Didn't get everything I needed to, though, so I look forward to nailing down some more things next week.

Things I have done since my last post -

  • Found what could have been the love of my life, and may very well be, only to have her complete a U-turn in her life and go back to Sicily and get married. I'm somewhat of a romantic and passionate person, I discovered, and that can be too much of a good thing, apparently.

  • Redesigned webpages for the library - the home page being one ( and others scattered here and there throughout the site. Meeting next week to go over some of my ideas.

  • Rediscovered a friend that I hadn't forgotten, but just hadn't talked with in quite a while.

  • Developed a social life away from work, but it's always a work in progress.

  • Bought a new car and have fallen in love with it. (Don't most American men?) Love driving just to feel the car. (Okay, not THAT in love with it.)

  • Had crawfish for the first time in two years.

  • There's always other things...

Favourite song of the moment: Tito Tarantula's After Dark from the From Dusk 'til Dawn soundtrack - the song Salma Hayek dances to.

Most recently watched (and loved) movie: Hotel Rwanda

Books - Orson Scott Card's Ender series, Kim Stanley Robinson's Red Mars, Arthur Herman's To Rule the Waves.

And btw, I'm still a Republican. I just hate the way my party has gone.

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