Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dreams and a girl...

The last night you spent with me, you left in tears. Trying to make things better, I made things worse and frightened you. Yes, I liked to holds hands... perhaps too much.

But walking with you, arms wrapped around you, seeing you every day with love and desire in my eyes, I expressed it without reservation. I still see you when I close my eyes, still smell you when I concentrate, even though I know you're long gone and never going to realize what I'd dreamed. I know you didn't share them.

Karma may have had its way with me, knowing how I more than likely - nay, undoubtedly - closed off someone else from my heart, someone who also could have been the realization of my dreams years ago. I was sorry when that happened and I hid my heart away until you opened it up again.

I'm not always what I dreamed for myself, what I wanted to be. I don't think anyone ever is, except those rare lucky few. But thanks to the experience of being with you, even for such a short time, I know I'm moving again... towards that goal.

And if our paths cross some time in the future, and I have the life you saw me leading, and you're happy in your life, I would like for us to be able to sit, share a drink, and smile... just as I wrote you what seems like so long ago.

(So it's a bit sappy. I'm a romantic. You don't like it, don't read it.)



You know, everyone bitches and moans, suing and countersuing over racism, perceived racism, ageism, sexism, sexual harassment, etc.

But THE MOST PERVASIVE AND LEGAL DISCRIMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES.... is the stripping of the rights of eighteen-to-twenty year olds in this country.

An eighteen year old can sign up for basic duty, be given a weapon to fire, be shipped off to duty in another country within two years, and ORDERED TO LEGALLY MURDER PEOPLE (or killed themselves).

Yet, that same eighteen year old, when he returns as a nineteen- or twenty-year old back to this country, CANNOT ... buy booze (but can sell it), buy cigarettes, buy a lottery ticket, afford car insurance, among other things. HE/SHE can MAIM/MUTILATE/DESTROY/MURDER/KILL another human being (as long as it's 'legit' - no drive-bys from the Humvees on the Baghdad Highway, unless they shoot first, or refuse to stop even though they can't hear your orders).

Tell me, does this REALLY make sense? An eighteen-year old, according to the United States Constitution, in Amendment XXVI, is clearly established as a voting citizen of the United States. Amendment XIV, Section 1 reads:
"Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
Emphasis mine.

So the civil rights of an eighteen year old (or for that matter a two-year old) ARE the equivalent of a twenty-one year old.

Yet federal law in 1984, Sec. 158 of the Federal Highway Code says:
"State grandfather law as complying. - If, before the later
of (A) October 1, 1986, or (B) the tenth day following the last
day of the first session the legislature of a State convenes
after the date of the enactment of this paragraph, such State has
in effect a law which makes unlawful the purchase and public
possession in such State of any alcoholic beverage by a person
who is less than 21 years of age
(other than any person who is 18
years of age or older on the day preceding the effective date of
such law and at such time could lawfully purchase or publicly
possess any alcoholic beverage in such State), such State shall
be deemed to be in compliance with paragraphs (1) and (2) of this
subsection in each fiscal year in which such law is in effect."
Emphasis mine.

It is quite apparent that the Highway Code penalizes those states which do not have UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws abridging the "privileges or immunities of citizens", denying them federal funds in maintaining or improving the federal highway system.

Now, there is the "without due process of law" aspect added to the "protection" afforded to eighteen-year olds who want to buy booze. Since the due process of law produced the Federal Highway Act amendment to Section 158, is this within the Constitutional argument? If so, then why can't black people be denied the right to buy booze? Whites? Why can't there be a law passed to deny women a license to drive an automobile? Because Court decisions have supported the rights of women and stopped such discrimination.

Activist courts.

If eighteen-year olds really want to do things legally, they need to vote. They need to pursue this argument. Any law proscribing a privilege from one group, which is afforded to other groups of people is UNCONSTITUTIONAL if the sole factor in prohibiting said group from enjoying that privilege is a generic factor beyond their control. That is plain. Stand up for your rights, people.

South Dakota v. Dole did not pursue the unconstitutional discrimination angle. Someone should. States may lose the 5%. But if one case were tried, all state drinking laws would be invalidated. The outcry from the governors and states in such a case could very well force Congress to change this outrageous stipulation.

Care, people. Stand up. Believe in yourselves.


Movies I watched and really liked

The Notebook

About a Boy

Okay, I'm not totally bolloxed. But I watched the first, and I really liked it, as it's a sweet, sentimental flick. Chick flick obviously. The second pretty much could be, but has a wider appeal, as it deals with adolescents and those trapped in adolescence.



Friend's boys in the paper

Amy Marsala, a good friend of mine from back home (well now she's in Houma, but we're both from Baton Rouge) called me at work to express her pride in her boys - Bryson who's 7, and Brandon, who's 6. The appeared in a local paper in Colorado while visiting their grandfather.


Monday, June 27, 2005

No More Deep Throats? Ever?

Well, the Supreme Court did it. Miller and Cooper may actually end up doing time for refusing to reveal their sources on the controversial leaking of Mr. Wilson's wife's role as a CIA operative - and no, we're not talking Dennis the Menace's neighbor. These two correspondents - Mr. Cooper for TIME and Ms. Miller for the New York Times - are trying to uphold the nature of investigative reporting held since the days when Woodward and Bernstein broke the Watergate scandal, bringing down the presidency of a certain "I am Not a Crook" personage. With their attempts to keep their sources private, these two may end up in jail until they give up the name(s) of the individual(s) who leaked the information to them.

The rub of it all, however, is that ROBERT NOVAK - the right-wing nut on CROSSFIRE, a relic from the days of Nixon who publicly castigated Mr. Phelt (aka Deep Throat) - has not revealed whether he has cooperated with the investigation or not. Either Novak has - and is a spineless coward - or he hasn't - and isn't being touched for one reason or another (possibly that he's a RIGHT WING NUT and the investigating D.A. is a Republican. I'm not saying there's smoke or fire on Fitzgerald (who's been an upstanding, Elliot Ness-type apparently), just saying that something's fishy about Novak. Or weasel-ly.)

Regardless, do you think if this goes to its currently logical conclusion, that any new voice of criticism will leak criminal activity to the media? While Ms. Plame (Wilson's wife) is not a Nixon, the aim of the articles were to rebut the accusations appearing earlier about Mr. Wilson and his wife. Woodward and Bernstein would be doing time in today's world apparently.

Other takes:

Financial Times



MGM v. Grokster

Another ruling today... MGM v. Grokster

Hollywood wins Internet piracy battle.

Well, the case really wasn't decided. What was decided was to have the lower court actually try the case. So there's no clear-cut ruling on whether P2P software is legal or illegal.

What the SC focused on is the "intent" of the creators/distributors of the software, and as NPR aired, one of the aims of Grokster was to take the place of the failed Napster, and snag as many customers as possible. Thing is, how does one determine "intent" actually? Without watching over the shoulders/reading the emails/constantly shadowing the producers of the software?

There's bound to be more cases on this. The Betamax ruling will hopefully stand. The software technology is more useful than just piracy. If they rule the actual operation of the software illegal, then the principle behind scanning documents, faxing, taking photographs of artwork, VCRs, TiVos, etc., becomes a very open target for lawsuits. Hopefully they stay away from this Pandora's box.

As if piracy were the real culprit behind the decline in ticket sales to movies and CD purchases.

For different articles on this: Slate's take

MSN Money's take

Rolling Stone's take

Edit: Here's a link that is for students - the biggest audience in the d/l "wars":



Supreme Court ruling on Brand X

Well.... Even with a supposedly "balanced" Court, the following has happened:

Cable gets big win - As of now, the Supreme Court has thrown away the ingenuity that led to the Internet explosion. When phone companies were forced to allow their lines to be used by third-party companies, third-party long-distance companies came into being. The old TelAmerica, MCI, Sprint, WorldCom, etc., came into being. With the relaxed nature of the control over phone lines, AOL, CompuServe, Prodigy, etc., grew to use those lines in their dial-ups and engineered the Internet Age which we currently live in. (Okay, it might be a reach, but seriously... if the oligopoly were still in effect during that time period, do you think AOL would've been able to work? We'd all be using Bellsouth.Net or SBC.com or something.)

We're moving backward people.




I'm always playing with the setup of the blog, so if it does something screwy, or appears to change overnight... get over it and read! :) Or not. Do as thou wilst.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Jax at Night Posted by Hello

Sara downtown Posted by Hello

Jax Moon Posted by Hello

Friday, June 24, 2005

Crazy schiesse in Florida

The County Commission of Ocala, Florida.

Wonderful well-meaninged right-wing idiots.

For further information, read:
Commission adopts new library policies

followed by:
A solution in search of a problem

There's other fun stuff as well.

News on the Tampa Bay "ban" on gay lit:

Commission To Consider Reining In Gay Pride

Excluding Gays Is A Giant Step Back On Human Rights

Reaction to the Hillsbrough County ban

Libraries belong to everyone. If you pay a penny for a tax in your county, the effing library belongs to YOU as well as the jack's that play politics with your money and the big-time developers who want to strip your homes and build condos.



Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Stupid news

I'm not saying it's true, but doesn't this smack of someone making a mountain out of a molehill? If the store is closed, how is it racist to say 'We're closed'?

Fantastic Four

There's also the comic website at http://www.marvelcomics.com/ .

I don't know if it's been discussed by anyone before but isn't it wierd that in the superhero movies that are coming out this summer we have the following character archtypes?

1. Fantastic Four - the four elements of nature - water (Mr. Fantastic), wind (Susan Storm), fire (Human Torch), and earth (The Thing) - fight against the corrupting nature of the fifth element discovered by man - metal (Dr. Doom).

2. Batman Begins - the avenger (Batman) overcoming the difficulties/antagonists which birthed him - fear (Scarecrow) and anger (Ras al'Ghul).

(Okay, the latter is a DC movie, the website for which is at http://www2.warnerbros.com/batmanbegins/index.html but it still has the primitive elements.)

Hmmm..... maybe there's somthing to this.


Monday, June 20, 2005

AFI salute to Lucas...

Anyone else watch this? Carrie Fisher - drunk. Harrison Ford - drunk almost to the point of stumbling. Slurred speech and everything. He's publicly hated Star Wars for years. Must be a real pita for him to be there. At least Mark was sober.

Still, hard to believe. 28 years ago already, the film came out. Dayum.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Weekend coming

Well, I have to work for the opening of the new South Mandarin branch. I volunteered for the overtime, forgetting for a second that my bud was going to be in Tallahassee on his interview. Yep, I'm absent-minded sometimes. Just slipped. I hope you get the job, bud. *fingers crossed*

Probably be a half-day, and time would be too short to drive back and forth to Tallahassee in a day. Have to catch ya next time. I'll hopefully be in Baton Rouge/New Orleans/Alexandria soon.

Oh vey.


Thursday, June 16, 2005


I don't know if it's love or obsession. Maybe a little of both. But in the night, when the wolves come knocking at the door, I find myself reliving some things. I remember tight blue jeans, a black leather jacket, a purple velvety top with a v-neck and a chain, and the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen on a woman.

Then there's a night she wore an outfit that when I saw it, my jaw literally dropped - a tight red v-cut blouse, a black skirt, and black calf-high boots. Sex appeal on two legs, live and lusty.

A night of flowers and Italian food, conversation for hours, and a suggestion of another date. A red top, black slacks, and dress pumps.

Even when she called herself dumpy, and wore a green top, faded old jeans, and flip flops (which annoy the hell out of me on anyone else), with tears in the rain and heartbreak on the wind, she was nothing short of beautiful to me.

I'm a romantic and a fool. I didn't give as much to one person because of fear of myself, and I followed that up by giving everything I had to another who was only looking for a good time. Live and learn. I know what I want. But at night, in the dark, with memories and dreams my only company, I know what love is. And the wolves can't take that.

Good night.

Week so far...

This week's been pretty cool.

Sunday saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith with my brother after hitting the beach. Monday, slept a good bit. Tuesday, went to London Bridge Pub & Grill downtown and played trivia, socialized, listened to Open Mic night and played pool with a friend. Wednesday, I bought a laptop, a Compaq Presario v2000. Not a bad little computer. And tonight, well, blog time, personals, fixing up laptop's apps (bought a tripod for my camera for night pics and a carrying case for the pc too)

The main use for the laptop will be working on my story, taking it with me when I travel so I keep in touch, and such.

Well, TTFN

Remember, No More BU--SH-- (okay, not just the Pres, just the BS in general)

Batman Begins

(Picture from Warner Bros publicity site.)

This is the best one. Christian Bale easily beats Keaton, Kilmer, or Clooney. The story is serious and dark and dramatic. The way the Dark Knight should be. (Ok so I geek out for it, but, hey, I'm only human.) I honestly can't wait to see the sequel, which is presumably in the works already.

Yes, it does slow down at times. But, those pauses build the drama. The movie rocks. Plain and simple. Beats the loving shit out of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and dare I say it, Revenge of the Sith..

See it. Feel it. Love it. :) Enjoy.


Remember, No More BU--SH--

Monday, June 13, 2005

"Preserving Innovation in Telecom Act"

This bill is another reason why Congress has lost its way.

Web edition at Library of Congress website.

Other articles:

Clark Community Network
D'Addario boards

And I'm sure there are plenty of others.

Remember, just because he's President, doesn't mean he isn't completely full of BU--SH--


Into the West

Into the West TV

This is pretty damn good. Tonantzin Carmelo as Thunder Heart Woman is beautiful, the story is great, Will Patton is great as always as Mr. Fletcher, Josh Brolin as Jedediah Smith is great, they even throw in Gary Busey, Skeet Ulrich, Alan Tudyk, lots of familiar faces. Coming from a European-Native American mix (not that you can tell in me, but my brother and my dad both show traces of it) and always dreaming of a way to right the old wrongs, the show touches my heart in ways I can't describe. Similar to how I felt when I watched Dances with Wolves, Last of the Dogmen, Squanto, Smoke Signals.... I want to be there. As good as I can be in the modern sense, I've always wanted to be alive back then. Don't know if I have an old soul, or just dissatisfaction with modern man, whatever... movies, books (Helen Hunt Jackson's work and others), always trigger this emotion. But, yeah, like the story. Spielberg's name might've gotten it done, but I'd've watched it anyway.

Song of the moment - OutKast's I Love the Way (You Move)


This weekend....

Well, started out good. Went to the Farmers' Market in downtown Jax. Had lunch there - shrimp & chicken kabobs w/ rice pilaf and corn-on-the-cob. Was good. Just wish I had had my camera with me - had left it at home accidentally. Still, a good day.

Rained, so didn't do the walking on Fri like I've started. Did buy some new walking shoes - old ones were too small and killing my feet. Didn't go to '80s night as I didn't want to try a new club by myself.

Saturday beat Civ3 again - yes, it's a three-year old game but I still like it without the expansion packs - on my way to beating it with every civ. The Aztecs went for a domination win. First time I did that since I bought it so long ago. Also racked up a few levels for my alts in World of Warcraft. (I was staying inside because every time I got ready to do something, it rained. And I'd slept through most of the day, having performed my Friday night ritual of staying up til dawn, regardless of what I do.)

Sunday woke up late - is there anything better to do on the weekends when there's just time to kill? - and then went to the beach as it had stopped raining. Have some new pics up. To see my photos I have so far - at least the ones I want to share - go here. Had fun, picked up a couple of more shells. There was an older man beach-sailing. Lots of little kids out. Pretty way to end the day.

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Posted by Hello

Well, this movie was fun to watch. The actors are beautiful, the action is great. But.... what HAPPENED?!? I mean it... the ending is not an ending. It's a joke. There's an entire part of the movie missing. It's like Doug Liman (the great director of the Bourne Identity) just cut the film off at the middle. There's no resolution at all to the third act - just a 'happy ending' which Jane Smith (Angelina Jolie's character) says only happens when stories aren't finished. Is this some kind of in-joke at the fans' expense? Is this supposed to be a modern-day fairy tale, where the couple go to counseling, discuss (or don't discuss) their problems, then an outside event thrusts them together and the problems are happily resolved or pushed aside/made irrelevant?


As if I expected Shakespeare or a Merchant Ivory production. But still.... unfinished it is, and unsatisfied it left me.

Song of the moment - AC/DC's Back in Black

Friday, June 10, 2005

My car - Mustang Sara Posted by Hello

Long time no see....

A return from the dead, I guess.

Haven't updated this blog in months. But, that will change.

Stories upcoming - love found and lost, parts of a story I'm writing, tales of high adventure.

Today was a good day at work - got some things accomplished. Didn't get everything I needed to, though, so I look forward to nailing down some more things next week.

Things I have done since my last post -

  • Found what could have been the love of my life, and may very well be, only to have her complete a U-turn in her life and go back to Sicily and get married. I'm somewhat of a romantic and passionate person, I discovered, and that can be too much of a good thing, apparently.

  • Redesigned webpages for the library - the home page being one (http://jpl.coj.net/welcome.html) and others scattered here and there throughout the site. Meeting next week to go over some of my ideas.

  • Rediscovered a friend that I hadn't forgotten, but just hadn't talked with in quite a while.

  • Developed a social life away from work, but it's always a work in progress.

  • Bought a new car and have fallen in love with it. (Don't most American men?) Love driving just to feel the car. (Okay, not THAT in love with it.)

  • Had crawfish for the first time in two years.

  • There's always other things...

Favourite song of the moment: Tito Tarantula's After Dark from the From Dusk 'til Dawn soundtrack - the song Salma Hayek dances to.

Most recently watched (and loved) movie: Hotel Rwanda

Books - Orson Scott Card's Ender series, Kim Stanley Robinson's Red Mars, Arthur Herman's To Rule the Waves.

And btw, I'm still a Republican. I just hate the way my party has gone.