Thursday, July 08, 2004

Terror levels

Again we go with the terror threats. Let's see, there were threats in 2002 (everyone remember the threat around that Christmas?) There were plenty of threats in 2003 (even with the error-prone State Department). Now new threats are being made against the States, supposedly in "an effort to disrupt the democratic process".

Honestly, given our President and his proven tactics and the entire fiasco of the 2000 election, I think the word "ploy" as well as the phrase "complete and utter poppycock" may come to mind.

I know it's not a popular opinion, but does anyone honestly think the threat level will ever be blue, let alone green with Bush in office? It's called keeping the screws to the people, or making the electorate so terrified and on edge all the time that they have to believe in someone, even someone like a Dubya.

I'm a Republican, but I'll be damned before I'm voting for Dubya again.

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