Thursday, July 01, 2004

ALA and Me

Well, as I sit here listening to U2's Hands That Built America (one of the best songs ever), I figured I'd write the story I promised my mom a week ago.

The American Library Association ( had its annual conference from June 24-30, and I was given the privilege of going. (I would've gone anyway over the weekend, no way I was missing a trip to see and meet new people) and the adventure getting and being there is a story, similar in a vein to some I've written before. If I offend, shoot me. If you laugh, enjoy. No harm is meant, and no sheep were harmed.

And let's begin...


I was pretty psyched that I was getting to go. First big conference, it's Orlando, some friends are supposed to be going, and I'd get to meet some new people, grab some swag, and enjoy the moment. Life was good. I bantered with my boss a good bit during the day. And I looked forward to getting off.

Well, for those who know Florida, the trip from Jacksonville to Orlando is pretty uneventful. Unlike the I-75 route from Tallahassee, there is a lot of construction, flat alluvial land, with trees. Not a lot of hills, few hotels, some exits. At 4pm that afternoon, I basically skipped to my car and hit the road.

On the way there, I was hoping I'd make the opening session and the Scholarship Bash (one of my main reasons for going). (For those of you snickering, pshaw.) Well, I hit that afternoon traffic in Orlando around 5:45 (I'd rushed a good bit) and I realized I was not going to make it. So I chilled, took it easy, and concentrated on meeting people around 7pm or so, like I had planned.

Well, I reached the Orange County Convention Center around 6:30 or so. Big place. BIG place. Hot place. Huge... empty... parking lots. Yep, empty. Hell, I thought people were parking out front or in the parking garage. Well, I entered the OCCC and found the only souls around were people scoping the building for where they wanted to be. There were some individuals out there setting up exhibition booths for the conference. Which I knew started Saturday (the exhibition that is). Well, I discovered the building was pretty damn hot, like the a/c had just been turned on, or wasn't working well. And I found some flyers. And promo gear.

Saying "Opening Session Saturday June 26th, 5:30-7:00" and "Scholarship Bash Saturday June 26th, 7:00-11:00". Yup, I got the dates wrong. I was walking around looking at the building, being accosted by taxi drivers on the WRONG DAMN DAY. The people I was supposed to meet weren't going to be there til the next day at the earliest (from what I'd just figured out, some were probably there, but I didn't know how to contact anyone before Friday).

So I'd just driven to Orlando for nothing!

Feeling quite chagrined, I hopped back in the trusty ole Taurus and started heading back. Not wanting to drive in quietude with my frustration, I decided to call a few friends, to shoot the shit and take me mind off things.

I called Amy, a good friend of mine in Houma, who is expecting her third child. We talked. And talked. With periods of silence, like normal. While driving, I kept my mind on the conversation and the road. But apparently I didn't quite know the route. I missed the turn from Kirkman to I-4 (the road back to I-95). I missed the turn from Sand Lake to I-4. I missed the turn from International Drive to I-4. I spent about thirty minutes or so driving in a loop around the Kirkman, International Drive area. When I finally got to I-4, Amy had to go take care of her two boys, Bryson and Brandon (great kids). So I drove towards Daytona, thinking about things.

Well, I called my dad and left a message on his cell. He called me back a few minutes later, and we talked for a while. He's a driver for J.B. Hunt and was up in Pennsylvania, driving up and down some hills. We talked about how we missed each other on Father's Day (I called, but he didn't get the message til much later - he was in Iowa at the time) and how distant the family feels. Felt really good to finally say that to him. Love my father dearly, but we are peas of the same pod, close-mouthed and stubborn. We keep deep feelings close to the chest, so small conversations usually end up expressing more than we want. Hope the road treats you well and the sun is always at your back, dad.

After talking to dad, I figured I should call my mom. I hadn't talked to her since Memorial Day and wanted to see how she was doing. She was really depressed, being in a bad way (for those who do not know, as most of you won't, she had a bad bout with breast cancer, had lesions in the sac protecting the brain and chemo has led to her developing neuropathy, it pains me very much to think about it, honestly, and I admire her strength thru all of these tribulations) financially and emotionally. Well, I do what I can, so I cheered her up and listened to her woes. I enjoy being a good shoulder, for anyone. I told her about my financial woes and victories when dealing with AmSouth, my trip to Orlando, jokes and stuff. I had to stop at a Chick-fil-A's for dinner as I hadn't eaten anything but my normal granola bar for lunch (around 1pm, it was now 9pm or so). Scared her a little when I saw flashing lights behind me, but it was an ambulance. We talked til I hit Philips Hwy (about 3 miles from my apt). 90 minutes or so of good conversation.

When I got back to the house, I realized that even though I had gone early, sweated my ass off, and proven how stubborn and mule-headed I could be, the day was pretty good. Knowing me, I'd've played Morrowind and not called anyone. Instead, I had two good conversations and brightened up someone's day, someone very close to me. So, yeah, it was a good day. (Even though I was really, really due a shower.)

Slept about 6 hours or so (I usually stay up late) and woke up to the fact that I was off for Friday. So I went and relaxed, then got dressed nicely (white shirt and khakis, my uniform) and drove back down to Orlando. This time, I knew people would be there in the evening that I'd planned on meeting.

I spent around four or five hours in the Placement Center, sat in on an interview with a co-worker, talked to a few people about Systems library work, and found I have a gift of gab when it's something I want to talk about. Gave advice about interviews - how to handle and approach one - to a couple of people, things I'd picked up on over the job-hunting path I'd trod before. I was told it helped, and I'm glad it did, as helping people is a good thing.

I met the fellow NEXGENLIB members at Adobe Gila's at Pointe Orlando, a shopping center on International Drive. Wonderful people, even though alcohol and politics don't always make the best of friends. Met Amy K. and Amy M., Mark, Becky (friend from SLIS), Seale, Molly (names I was familiar with from SLIS but had never had the pleasure of meeting), Dean, John, Brian W., Ayanna, Florence, Lola, Krei, Cynthia, and others whose names I know I am forgetting. Had several Margaritas (good ones), beer, and tequila shots. Felt gooooood. Smoked cigs with a pair of pretty redheads and a blonde, laughed in the rain until it stormed, and talked politics and religion with one of the nicest people I've ever met with an opposing viewpoint. Later, there was some shouting and finger-pointing, quite rude and abusive, but there was also a strength and a resolve you have to look for to actually find. (I am a nice drunk, not that I got drunk, tho, so it wasn't me, I swear.)

Well, the evening had to end, and after the tropical downpour and the subsequent lightshow, mostly everyone was gone, so we parted ways, Amy, Mark, and I. I had called my bud earlier to see if I could crash at his hotel room. Ted and Claire were bushed and so it was a no-go. Well, I said fuck it (was not very happy at this point, what with an early evening, and a long-ass drive in the middle of th enight) and drove back to Jax. Yes, the 2-hour drive again. Fun. Did not get home til 2:45 in the morning. Not that I was very tired, but I was a little hungry, and tired of seeing the same road over and over again. So, yes, a little irritated. But I did have fun.


(Btw, I like The Rundown... when the midget runs out of the bar before the fight and everyone turns to watch 'cuz it's so unexpected... hehe and Seann William Scott is a lot like Bruce Campbell in this flick)

This will be continued... Saturday and Sunday are good, and there's a postscript to all of this for Wednesday.

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