Friday, July 30, 2004


Is Kerry worth voting for? I'll give you a summation:

1) Actual military experience. While the Guard is now basically serving as a branch of the real Army - if not supplanting active duty - when George VI and Bubba were serving, it was a way out of serving combat duty. The person who serves as the leader of an army should have some active military background.

2) Not a backwards-looking, anti-science return-us-to-the-Dark Ages persona. Need I say more? Okay. Kerry supports research. Bush supports research that denies reality and chunks the rest into the garbage pail. Embryonic stem cell research that can save or improve lives. Global warming exists and is not caused by el Nino.

3) Optimistic outlook on the future. Bush can say all he wants about optimism. Meanwhile, terrorists are lurking in your bedroom. They're coming to get you. "We know they're up to something. We don't know what. But soon, very soon, something, somewhere, will explode." Not a direct quote of the Republicans, but I know I can find one if you want.

4) Iraq Okay. Invading and setting up a puppet government that is based on our beliefs that will pressure the fundamentalist Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and the Ayatollahs in Iran. Good. Give them freedom. But in the meantime, give all the nation's money to your cronies or your Veep's company, don't protect or supply enough troops to protect our people we placed in harm's way, claim that whether he had WMD's or not is pointless (when it was your main point for the war in the FIRST place) as he's a bad man (Saddam, not Dubya) that needed removal, and claim victory when nearly a 1,000 military people have been killed (accidents or attacks) and thousands more wounded... I could go on. It's a good thing Saddam is out of power. Yes. Lying to your country, flip-flopping on reasoning, denying your soldiers the support they need, whether at home or in the field... Face it, Bush is NOT what our soldiers need.

5) The Supreme Court. A federal appeals court just ruled that there is "no right to privacy." Read here about how Alabama can deny individuals the right to use vibrators, inflated sheep, sex dolls, dildos, etc., because there is no right to privacy. If Bush stays in office, and two Supreme Court justices retire, face it, there will be "no right to privacy" USSC ruling in the next four years. Bush and the Republicans don't like activist judges who are against them, but friendly courts, they love.

I could go on with a few more, but I basically believe that a government that exists to scare you into giving it more power, that benefits no one but the rich, is not a good government. It's not good for you, me, or the country. Smaller governments, that support individual responsibility while helping individuals overcome their insurmountable obstacles, such as those created by society, history, biology, or psychology, are the best governments. Governments that support mankind's dreams amitions, not those of the petty few, are the best kind. We have neither in the Bush Administration. King George VI, Dubya, whatever you may call him, he needs to go. I voted for him in 2000. I believed he would provide good leadership and I had been turned off by Clinton and Gore. I was misled. So were a lot of people.

Kerry If You Care.


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