Thursday, July 29, 2004

Democratic Convention

If you didn't listen to the speeches tonight, you missed out. Bubba and Jimmy Earl (Clinton and Carter), along with the Alleycat (Gore) were very good Monday. I slept through last night's, but Reverend Al was on fire. Literally. Was like listening to a Huey Long stump speech (I imagine). I do think Rev. Jackson was jealous.

Imagine if Al running for office in a desegregated version of the Great Depression.

Mmm... idea for a short story at least.

Edwards was good. Nice homilies, optimism. Rebukes and promise. Not bad, but not as on fire as the Rev.

Couple of highlights from the Rev.--

  • "We didn't get our mule, so we'll ride this donkey as far as it will take us."

  • "I suggest to you tonight that if George Bush had selected the court in '54, Clarence Thomas would have never got to law school."

CNN kept harping on the Rev, saying "Rev, you took more time than was allotted to you (20 min vs. the allotted 6) and you went after the President" message. Trying to create conflict. Meanwhile, the network news that would've LOVED to see the conflict was basically masturbating over the Moore / O'Reilly confrontation the night before, with Bill talking himself up with a couple of preppie Republicans. Shame they missed it.

An interesting thing about FOXNews and CNN.... compare their transcripts of the Teresa Heinz Kerry speech:


"We Report... You Decide..." who's giving you the full story, and who's giving you the bu--sh--.

P.S. I had a good idea for a bumper sticker:

BU--SH-- '04

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