Thursday, June 17, 2004

AmSouth Bank

Profanity laden post...

Fuck AmSouth Bank. Goddamn motherfuckers take my money and tell me "Hey, it's not our problem." Fuck them.

Here's the sitch:

I get gas from a gas station on Monday (6/14). The clerk accidentally charges $60 to my card while I'm there. Well, that encumbers my account. Which CAUSES IT TO FUCKING BOUNCE when the cable bill comes in.

Well, they refund it b/c it's an error. Well, actually they NEVER CHARGED ME. Instead they held it in abeyance until they found the error and removed it. Well, guess who gets screwed.

The gas station? Nope. They fixed their problem.

The bank? Nope, they charge me $30 a goddamn charge.

Yep, that's right, kiddies. Yours truly gets raped by the bank.

Because, not only did those two charges from that day bounce, the four under $5 charges the next couple of days bounce as well. Yee Haw, a fucking trampoline is what my bank account is!!! Only thing is, I - YES - I!!!!!! get charged $30 for EACH ONE OF THOSE FUCKING TRANSACTIONS. So, guess what. $180 goddamn motherfucking dollars. That's right.

I call the bank. Bank says they'll send me a GODDAMN FORM LETTER to take to the gas station, where HOPEFULLY (ie. pissing in the wind, here, my friend) the gas station will read it and sign over the amount of all these overage charges.

Is that going to happen? Not if some Non-English speaking clerk is there like the day I bought my gas.

So, yes, I am fucked. Totally, honestly, brutally, anal-raped. AmSouth refuses to just cancel the damn fines which SHOULD NOT BE THERE. And you know why? If the charge actually occurred, they might. THEY JUST MIGHT!!! But, since the motherfucking gas station gave me the money back, they said, and I quote, "That's not our problem."

So, AmSouth is getting its money. They don't give a fuck.

Of course, should I have expected them to?

So, tomorrow, I am going to probably take a little leave time and go to the branch where I conduct my business and..... No, I'm just going to get worked up and talk the manager and get my goddamn affidavit and then drive to that fucking gas station and PRAY that I get my money.

Instead of just cancelling it, this shit will take fucking forever and I won't get a goddamn dime back.

I hate banks. I hate the fucking world. Hope they all die a fiery death.

God I am so pissed off right now.

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