Friday, June 18, 2004


Pictures of me keep having problems.... No, not because I break the camera...

I have pics up on Yahoo, but I can't seem to get them to be accessible unless I'm logged in.... If you're on friendster, I'm there with the same pics, or I can email them if necessary.

Bugging me, it is.


Bush and McCain

Listening to NPR and hearing the love fest between McCain and Bush is starting to worry me.

Imagine, a Bush-McCain ticket. This would've been unbeatable in 2000, do you honestly think Kerry would have a chance? People like McCain. They don't know if they want to like the "I was against this bill until I voted for it" character.

My good friend Ted brought this to my attention: McCain for VP - on Bush's ticket.

The baggage leaves, the balloon comes in. Imagine it.


Contractors...or Mercenaries?

Honestly I can't stand the euphemism anymore. They are not contractors, these military-security people who work for thousands a day. They are mercenaries.

con·trac·tor ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kntrktr, kn-trk-)
One that agrees to furnish materials or perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work

mer·ce·nar·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mûrs-nr)
Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
Hired for service in a foreign army.

Which do you think fits? We're talking about people who retire from the military, then for lots of $$$ go to work in a danger zone to protect corporation (not national) interests. That, to me, defines mercs.

More mercenary information:

  • US military in torture scandal

  • Deaths of scores of mercenaries hidden from view

  • Iraq : Mercenaries and Occupiers

  • U.S. Turns to Mercenaries

  • Mercenaries Second Largest Force In Iraq: Report

  • There's plenty more, just search the news. Read, people.


    AmSouth Bank... the next day

    Well, today is obviously a different day.

    Yesterday when I visited my local branch of AmSouth, I left a letter for the branch manager, who was unfortunately gone for the day. I told them I would return.

    I then called the bank and spoke to the people online - both rep and supervisor refused to budge. Which really tore my ass up.

    All day at work, my stomach was really upset, both b/c of the tequila last night and my nerves which were shot. Antacid. (Speaking of which I still need some Pepto) I took off early, both because of this and wanting to deal with the bank, as thinking about it got me worked up again.

    (In the meantime, I talked to a guy who handles parking for the city and got out of a parking ticket. Woo-hoo!!!)

    Well, I left work, went to the branch. The manager had left for lunch not long before (lucky ass banker's hours... sheesh...) so I left my cell # for her to call me and I would be back after I myself got something to eat. The guy who talked to me (Brian I think) was aware of the letter I had had sent from the call service people, as well as the letter I'd left. He said they'd looked into it and had figured out what happened, but he was waiting for the branch manager to make a decision, but they were going to try and help me.


    She called me and said since they could basically assume that the gas station was not going to be helpful (honestly, who honestly believes that a gas station attendant is going to give a guy with an affidavit $180?? He'd have to call the manager, who would probably have to call the owner, and the owner would presumably say "Hell no, we took care of our end. Sorry, but fuck off.") she would put in the paperwork for it to reimbursed.

    I just checked my account online, and honestly, I could kiss her feet.

    The money is coming back.

    I effusively thanked her. Sincerely. I don't think I've thanked one person that much in a very long time, if ever.

    So if you are going to bank with AmSouth, don't deal with the phone people. They suck. Real honest to God decent people work in the branches.

    I've got to find some more alcohol, but this time, to celebrate!!!


    Thursday, June 17, 2004


    Try this it's fun...


    Thanks to Akeisha.

    AmSouth Bank

    Profanity laden post...

    Fuck AmSouth Bank. Goddamn motherfuckers take my money and tell me "Hey, it's not our problem." Fuck them.

    Here's the sitch:

    I get gas from a gas station on Monday (6/14). The clerk accidentally charges $60 to my card while I'm there. Well, that encumbers my account. Which CAUSES IT TO FUCKING BOUNCE when the cable bill comes in.

    Well, they refund it b/c it's an error. Well, actually they NEVER CHARGED ME. Instead they held it in abeyance until they found the error and removed it. Well, guess who gets screwed.

    The gas station? Nope. They fixed their problem.

    The bank? Nope, they charge me $30 a goddamn charge.

    Yep, that's right, kiddies. Yours truly gets raped by the bank.

    Because, not only did those two charges from that day bounce, the four under $5 charges the next couple of days bounce as well. Yee Haw, a fucking trampoline is what my bank account is!!! Only thing is, I - YES - I!!!!!! get charged $30 for EACH ONE OF THOSE FUCKING TRANSACTIONS. So, guess what. $180 goddamn motherfucking dollars. That's right.

    I call the bank. Bank says they'll send me a GODDAMN FORM LETTER to take to the gas station, where HOPEFULLY (ie. pissing in the wind, here, my friend) the gas station will read it and sign over the amount of all these overage charges.

    Is that going to happen? Not if some Non-English speaking clerk is there like the day I bought my gas.

    So, yes, I am fucked. Totally, honestly, brutally, anal-raped. AmSouth refuses to just cancel the damn fines which SHOULD NOT BE THERE. And you know why? If the charge actually occurred, they might. THEY JUST MIGHT!!! But, since the motherfucking gas station gave me the money back, they said, and I quote, "That's not our problem."

    So, AmSouth is getting its money. They don't give a fuck.

    Of course, should I have expected them to?

    So, tomorrow, I am going to probably take a little leave time and go to the branch where I conduct my business and..... No, I'm just going to get worked up and talk the manager and get my goddamn affidavit and then drive to that fucking gas station and PRAY that I get my money.

    Instead of just cancelling it, this shit will take fucking forever and I won't get a goddamn dime back.

    I hate banks. I hate the fucking world. Hope they all die a fiery death.

    God I am so pissed off right now.

    Monday, June 14, 2004


    The LSU Tigers are gearing up for Omaha!

    Thirteenth trip to the College World Series!!

    Here we go Tigers, here we go!!

    T!! I!! G!! E!! R!! S!!

    They beat the Aggies, 11-8 on Saturday, then scored four runs in the top of the ninth inning to win on Sunday, 4-0!!

    Dem's ma boys!

    Sunday, June 13, 2004

    Funny, yet disturbing...

    Kittens as Viking warriors!!

    Thanks to the people at Chattylibrarians.


    Monday, June 07, 2004


    Oh, to add insult to injury...

    Q: "The first registration is full price from the date of purchase, but only good until the owner's birthday. If the owner's birthday is beyond 15 months, they have to pay the full year for four months. Why?"

    A: "Section 320.14(1), Florida Statutes, requires the full amount of the license tax to be imposed or charged for the registration period regardless of when during the registration period the vehicle is registered. This law was amended in 1990 by the Legislature."

    This means my $180 is only good for FOUR!! months since my birthday is in October. Then I have to pay another damn $35 (+25 if I want to get the Panther plate:)

    Oh, well. At least I still have my LSU plate. I still need to get one of those license plate frames saying "LSU Alumni" or 2003 National Champions... and clean that Five-Time National Baseball Champions plate.


    Registering a car...

    Well, I did it. Now I am officially legal in the state of Florida, what with a registered car, a residency, and a license.

    I didn't know how good I had it in Louisiana. A registration in La. is around $40, with a specialty plate driving it up to $50-60. A non-specialty plate registration in Florida is $180. For the same car! Stickers in Louisiana last for two years on cars, four years on trucks. In Florida, only a year! Renewing in La. is $20, regardless of a specialty plate (unless it's changed), while in Florida it's $35 + the cost of the plate every year!

    No wonder there's no personal state income tax. They get anyone who has a car!

    For a comparison of the quality, you can visit the Florida DHSMV and the Louisiana DMV. Fees for Florida are here, while those for Louisiana are here.

    I just hope I don't bounce anything. Tomorrow, I'm off to Educational Comm Credit Union (here) to grab money out of my savings account.

    Fun stuff.


    Getting started...

    Well, first post. I may perhaps transfer a good bit of my site on Geocities over here, or just reformat that page and incorporate the blog into it.

    Either way, to view my old website, click here.