Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Orb weaver

The only decent picture I have of an orb weaver that lived on my balcony at my previous apartment. Yes, she's eating dinner.


A favourite old picture of mine from a couple of years ago.

Twerp sleeping on Cameron's shoulder while he sleeps.

He loved to sleep on people's backs or in their laps. There are times when I look at his ashes and pause, remembering, and I can't help but cry. And now they're both gone, one for good, the other to California.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


Well, yesterday I had no Internet due to an outage in the area - a severe thunderstorm blew through and knocked out some cables apparently. So it took a while to get the Internet back. It came up this morning, but I had to reset everything, and even though I tried it many times, it didn't actually work until I had Comcast on the phone. I also put in a call to Linksys and they walked me through resetting everything router-wise. I'd reset it myself, but I guess I either didn't wait long enough or something else happened.

Either way, I'm wired again.

And my sister came to visit for a couple of days. She called me in the middle of the night saying everything was stressing her out and she needed to come visit, so I said she could come by anytime. I called in to work, because of worry about her and driving all night after working and being up all day, but she had a friend come with her and everything was fine when she finally got here. So I will go in tomorrow and try to make up time I lost today.

Family always comes first.

We had dinner and then I showed them some of Jacksonville's night life. I managed to take a couple of shots with my iPhone and here's one.

Here's a link to other photos in my Flickr account.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Last Turtle and other things

Well, I found the last turtle. There were three that I was missing, but apparently two of them - Fish Tale and Under the Sea Turtle - are no longer available. Fish Tale has had legal trouble apparently, and Under the Sea Turtle was used as a jungle gym, so it was taken down.

I did get pictures of Brave Little Soul, inside the Daily's on Old St. Augustine Road, near I-95.

I also took a few pictures of other things while walking around, including the shot below of the downtown Jacksonville skyline. I also retook a couple of shots of the Sea-Lestial Moon-A-Tee.

Here's a link to the rest of the photos in my Flickr account.

Green Lights

Okay. When the light turns red, you stop. That's the law. Yesterday, while at a red light going into a subdivision, I saw five cars in a row run a red light. I hit the gas when I got a green light and could've plowed into a Suburban - WOMAN WASN'T EVEN PAYING ATTENTION (no, not on a cell phone, either) - but I didn't.

I've thought about this plenty of times, but seriously, if you want to buy me a new car - keep running red lights. I'd gladly hit your ass, have you earn a moving violation, and buy me a new car.

Monday, July 20, 2009

More turtles and a couple of surprises

Today I went turtle hunting after having put it off over the weekend. I was feeling a little under the weather Friday, so instead I played World of Warcraft once I finally convinced myself to get out of a warm and comfortable bed.

I put all of the addresses in my iPhone and then tracked them down. Unfortunately, I didn't get them all even though I spent three hours in pursuit. The three I am still trying to get are:
Brave Little Soul, which apparently moves from one Daily's convenience store to another every so often;
Under the Sea Turtle, which is located at the Town Center of Atlantic Beach and Neptune Beach; and
Fish Tale, at the Friendship Fountain in downtown Jacksonville.

Fish Tale and Under the Sea Turtle , I'm having the devil's own time locating.

However, I did catch a couple of manatee statues I hadn't noticed before and I took a couple of shots in Jacksonville that caught my eye.

Here's a Fire Engine photo I grabbed:

For the rest of my photos, visit my Flickr page.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Turtle Hunting

I've started my turtle safari. The Turtle Trails statues are a promotional effort by the Child Guidance Center and corporate sponsors to raise funds for the non-profit.

Statues are placed around Jacksonville similar to the manner of previous efforts - the Jaguar statues in 2007, the Manatee statues in 2003 and each sponsored by different corporations and local companies. All statues have the same pose and build, but are individually painted and crafted by local artists.

Here's the first statue:

Monty the Monarch Turtle

Here's a link to my Flickr site where I will be posting the rest of the images of the turtles.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Well... almost a year

Well, it's been almost a year since my last post and a number of things have happened since then. I mostly post things to Twitter or Facebook, so updates here are rare.

I'll be posting reviews on my review blog, and updating other items, so this blog will serve mainly to hold those long posts that I want to write - since Facebook doesn't save anything (for example I can't find my eulogy for Twerp after he died) and Twitter's too fucking short for long thought-out replies.

For example, I was in a long long-distance relationship with someone and that really hasn't been discussed anywhere. Yeah, there's a few oblique tweets, and a short post on facebook after the ties were cut, but no, there's no really long-winded soul-searching expiation, expurgation, or really even an explanation of what happened.

So, hey, something to look forward to. Yep, one of the long sagas in my life that can be boiled down to a few choice statements:

I have a very vivid and detailed sexual imagination;
If you trust a proven liar, it may come back to bite you;
Love is a wonderful thing - but yes, Virginia, there is madness there;
One person in love does not a couple make; and,
No matter how hard you try, you can never convince yourself to fall in love - you either do, or you don't.

Okay... I've potted my aloe plants, swept the patio, paid the rent, taken my medicine, and now for a couple of reviews. If you want to read them, go to http://a-few-movies.blogspot.com.

And maybe, just maybe, the stick-to-it-iveness that I have when I'm pursuing love may just redound to keeping my blogs active.