Thursday, April 24, 2008

John McCain and my state

There are plenty of reasons for NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND to vote for John McCain.

Here's a list from

But here's a few reasons no one in Louisiana should vote for him:

1. He voted against funds for FEMA AFTER Katrina.

2. He voted against an investigation into the failures around Katrina.

3. He voted against MEDICAL AID to those suffering from Katrina's affects.

But even worse, even worse than not supporting those who suffered from Katrina, even worse than working to deny the government the chance to officially investigate the failures at all levels of government, even worse than not working on getting those who suffered from Katrina to get back on their feet:

4. According to John Hagee, a pastor more disgusting than Jeremiah Wright (who after all, didn't say that America deserved 9/11, just that America shouldn't be blessed for all that she does when the governments of the past and the present have done many many wrongs and earned deserved condemnation): New Orleans DESERVED Katrina and what happened afterwards.

And now McCain tours around New Orleans, saying that such events won't happen again, that such horrendous loss of life, property and wealth will not happen under his watch.

This man should not be President. If Obama cannot dodge Wright due to misperception and perceived involvement, then McCain should not be able to dodge the evil people who he once excoriated as "agents of intolerance".

McCain is shoring up his evangelical base and is willing to win at any cost - kowtowing to Bush, endorsing Bush's policies, championing Bush's causes. He's flip-flopped and is no fan or lover of Louisiana.

Don't vote for him in '08, or you will regret it.

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