Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election results

The better man did not win.

How could America do this? Has this nation become so screwed up and in love with its own pocketbook that it will:

  1. validate the crime of 2000,

  2. the lies and deceptions that led us to war with Iraq,

  3. concede the loss and outsourcing of millions of jobs as "okay",

  4. vote for a tax cut that will cause the nation to hit bankruptcy,

  5. the blundering and stupidity that allowed 9/11 to happen, and

  6. re-elect a man who will put judges in the Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v Wade?

Truly, truly disgusting. Talk about the disillusionment of youth. Will the 18-24 year old crowd move as hard four years from now? People always give up too easily.

Let's see what horrible crap he puts in for the next four years.




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