Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Best recent Kerry moment

(Song of the moment: "Blade Runner Blues" by Vangelis, from Blade Runner)

Seeing Natalie Portman in a T-top with "kerry me" on it.

Thank you, John Stewart and the Daily Show.

Honestly, the only places I get my national news are National Public Radio and NY Times. Comedy Central is my favorite source, though, for commentary.

Go figure.

NBC - pansies. CBS - stool. ABC - Jennings and Koppel are still good, but overall, still not much to redeem. Fox News is as reliable as an unsupervised child in a candy store. MSNBC is the older kid daring the Fox kid to steal the candy but won't do it himself. CNN is the kid who doesn't want to be there, but is slowly becoming part of the group (although CNN.com is still okay to read - no talking heads summarizing each other's opinions as news). Local news is okay, even from a conservative rag such as The Florida Times-Union. I still read the Daily Report and Advocate from home for my Baton Rouge fix.


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