Friday, May 29, 2009

Well... almost a year

Well, it's been almost a year since my last post and a number of things have happened since then. I mostly post things to Twitter or Facebook, so updates here are rare.

I'll be posting reviews on my review blog, and updating other items, so this blog will serve mainly to hold those long posts that I want to write - since Facebook doesn't save anything (for example I can't find my eulogy for Twerp after he died) and Twitter's too fucking short for long thought-out replies.

For example, I was in a long long-distance relationship with someone and that really hasn't been discussed anywhere. Yeah, there's a few oblique tweets, and a short post on facebook after the ties were cut, but no, there's no really long-winded soul-searching expiation, expurgation, or really even an explanation of what happened.

So, hey, something to look forward to. Yep, one of the long sagas in my life that can be boiled down to a few choice statements:

I have a very vivid and detailed sexual imagination;
If you trust a proven liar, it may come back to bite you;
Love is a wonderful thing - but yes, Virginia, there is madness there;
One person in love does not a couple make; and,
No matter how hard you try, you can never convince yourself to fall in love - you either do, or you don't.

Okay... I've potted my aloe plants, swept the patio, paid the rent, taken my medicine, and now for a couple of reviews. If you want to read them, go to

And maybe, just maybe, the stick-to-it-iveness that I have when I'm pursuing love may just redound to keeping my blogs active.