Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Letter to the editor

(Song of the moment: Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You")

I sent this to the Florida Times-Union this morning.

This letter is in response to the editorial "CONGRESS: Democrat draft defeated".

Halfway through the editorial it is mentioned that "
Someone -- probably not a Republican -- started an Internet rumor". Then near the end, it is repeated, yet changed: "Democrats have been spreading the Internet hoax". Does "not a Republican"="Democrat"? There are plenty of political parties in this country, from Libertarian to Communist, as well as people who claim no part affiliation at all. This is a spurious and facile claim, which has no evidence or support to back it up. The Republicans - in lock-step it seemed - also cried foul at this "Democratic rumour-mongering".

While Democrat Charlie Rangel did introduce the bill, he himself voted against it. The intent of bringing such a bill before Congress had a simple logic: If the President is willing to send those of us who chose to escape poverty or lower incomes to Iraq, why not draft the rich kids who spend time playing "X-Games"? Why not also send the children of the rich Congressmen and Senators who patently avoid military service - as did our current President and Vice-President?

The public believes the country needs to be defended. However, sending the people who can protect us at home - the National Guard and Reserves - overseas to fight as front-line troops due to the low enrollment in Active troops both weakens the defense of America itself and underscores the need for more active-duty troops.

The furor over the draft bill should highlight the fact that our troops are being locked into serving (stop-loss measures, increasing tour length, the calling up of retired military personnel to serve in support positions) against their will.

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