Saturday, October 23, 2004


Mississippi State beat Florida!!! Woo-hoo!!! 38-31!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!?!?!?!

(Well, Auburn still dominates the West this year, not that I like it, but Florida goes down!!!!!)


... on a Saturday. (I know, I know, lots of sympathy... not! There are plenty of people who work on the weekend, but working six days a week and getting paid for five sux any way you slice it.)

We opened our newest branch today, Pablo Creek Regional, and I worked it. Wonderful branch, actually. Very nice to look at, walk around in.

Met some nice people, even learned a couple of things. Not a bad day, but O/T would've been nice.


(This moment brought to you by the sound of closing doors and shutting wallets. Zook's time is up.)

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Jon Stewart..

... and why he's the man!!

One of my favorite shows is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It's fake news, granted, but it also takes a satirical look at both Dems and 'Pubs. The truth is IN there. After listening to NPR, CNN, etc. etc. all day, all week, it's just warm, refreshing, and yes, often times enlightening.

Last Friday, Stewart was on CNN's Crossfire, and the transcript reads like a true gem.

"STEWART: See, the thing is, we need your help. Right now, you're helping the politicians and the corporations. And we're left out there to mow our lawns.

BEGALA: By beating up on them? You just said we're too rough on them when they make mistakes.

STEWART: No, no, no, you're not too rough on them. You're part of their strategies. You are partisan, what do you call it, hacks. "

He's rich, he's funny, and he makes me lots of money! Lichtenstein! whoops... See? GOLD, BABY!

For CNN's story of his visit, click here, but for a better take, there's the NY Times (requires registration) report here.

Love that Joker!


(This moment brought to you by Big Head Todd and the Monsters' "Broken Hearted Savior")


(Song of the moment: "Wheel of Pain" off the Conan the Barbarian soundtrack)

I hope everyone's healthy, out there.

Found out my blood pressure was up again. 138/94. Now I have Lipitor and Norvasc (something like that) prescriptions.



GO VOTE!!!!!

Traffic in Jax...

(Song of the moment: "Gollum's Song" by Emiliana Torrini off the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers soundtrack)

A letter to the editor of the Florida Times-Union:

In a town with an average of six to ten traffic accidents a day, it would seem a foregone conclusion that the local media would write articles or investigate why such accidents so frequently happen. After all, articles have appeared arguing why long stops at red lights make people upset, the length of cycle time between green lights, and fatalities caused by road rage and cell phones.

Yet nothing on why people so habitually get in accidents, even when such an article could support the measure to add surcharges to traffic-related fines.

Here's a summation of what I've seen in the one year-plus that I've lived here:

1) Cars and trucks constantly running red lights - turning or straight. Philips Hwy, Beach Blvd, University, Arlington, downtown;

2) Cars downtown using right-turn only lanes in order to pass people on their left;

3) Tractor-trucks running red lights (not yellow), honking their horns to keep people from going on green. (An Explorer followed this example through the red light);

4) School buses running red turn signals;

5) People driving 70+ on Southside Boulevard, where the speed limit is 45mph;

6) A group of motor cycle riders stopping traffic so that their group could stay together (running two cycles of a light); and, last but not least,

7) Police sitting at intersections or facing red-light runners, and not pulling them over.

When the esteemable Mayor Peyton and others talk about adding $15 to traffic fines, one would expect a great increase in the funding of our public projects, whether highway maintenance or the courthouse. But given the number of violations (accidents are a small percentage of total violations) in a given day, there either aren't enough police to enforce the laws, or something new (cameras at the lights, perhaps?) needs to be tried, especially if the courthouse is going to get its funding."



Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Letter to the editor

(Song of the moment: Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You")

I sent this to the Florida Times-Union this morning.

This letter is in response to the editorial "CONGRESS: Democrat draft defeated".

Halfway through the editorial it is mentioned that "
Someone -- probably not a Republican -- started an Internet rumor". Then near the end, it is repeated, yet changed: "Democrats have been spreading the Internet hoax". Does "not a Republican"="Democrat"? There are plenty of political parties in this country, from Libertarian to Communist, as well as people who claim no part affiliation at all. This is a spurious and facile claim, which has no evidence or support to back it up. The Republicans - in lock-step it seemed - also cried foul at this "Democratic rumour-mongering".

While Democrat Charlie Rangel did introduce the bill, he himself voted against it. The intent of bringing such a bill before Congress had a simple logic: If the President is willing to send those of us who chose to escape poverty or lower incomes to Iraq, why not draft the rich kids who spend time playing "X-Games"? Why not also send the children of the rich Congressmen and Senators who patently avoid military service - as did our current President and Vice-President?

The public believes the country needs to be defended. However, sending the people who can protect us at home - the National Guard and Reserves - overseas to fight as front-line troops due to the low enrollment in Active troops both weakens the defense of America itself and underscores the need for more active-duty troops.

The furor over the draft bill should highlight the fact that our troops are being locked into serving (stop-loss measures, increasing tour length, the calling up of retired military personnel to serve in support positions) against their will.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Other happenings

(Song of the moment: Jesse Johnson & Stephanie Spruill's "Heart Too Hot To Hold" from the Breakfast Club sndtrk)

Things that occurred in the past week or so...

LSU won over Florida. We're still half a game behind Ole Miss and one-and-a-half games behind Auburn. (Click here to see the SEC standings.)

I turned 32 on the 8th. Whoo-whee. Single, having fun, and still have my health (aside from the cholesterol).

Just kinda end-of-the-fiscal-year, beginning-of-the-fiscal-year stress.


Work and the library world...

(Song of the moment: Black-Eyed Peas' "Let's Get Retarded" [not the vanilla "Let's Get It Started" that was released])

Fun, fun, fun...

Sirsi wiped out our catalog last Friday. My boss and a couple of their Client Care people spent 20 hours overnight attempting to restore things. Fallout ever since.

We had to use Standalone for Saturday. On a day when a brand new branch - which already has plenty of issues, including understaffing, expanded hours (9 people to cover a branch that is open from 10-9 MT, 10-6 WTHFSa) and having a circulation of over 2200 items a day (big for our system) - opens.

Plenty of items not in our catalog due to Baker & Taylor and Sirsi mistakes/bad connections/bad bibloads.

We lose all of our Acquisitions information for the current fiscal year.

We're promoting a new service which I'm the techie for.

We're re-hashing our Circulation procedures for the new fiscal year to satisfy our Performance Measures, as well as procedures developed for Workflows that just don't work.

We've got plenty of issues that the next rollout (2003.1.4) is supposed to fix, and plenty that it won't.

We've got an inventory this Saturday so it's OT for me til 2am.

We've got lots of new people in-system that are making mistakes all the time when it comes to operating procedures.

We've just lost our techies (the hardware and software side, my side is thankfully not part of the move, but oooohh they wanted us too -- and we may eventually be swallowed) to the city's narcissistic IT department.


In time, this too shall pass, but this pretty much explains why I am gone for long periods. Let alone that my cable company (Comcast) cut off my 'net b/c they didn't implement the recurring automatic payment when I told them to.

Oh well.


-- Who wouldn't pay to see Bush and Kerry in a Fight Club brawl? I would.

Saturday, October 02, 2004


(Song of the moment: Dido's "Hunter")

I think it's safe to say we won't repeat. We may not finish in the Top 10 again.

LSU lost 45-16 @ Georgia

Makes us 3-2 overall, 1-2 in the SEC West. Auburn's still ahead of us, see the SEC standings.


On a side note, I was shocked to realized how old I am - once again - by watching Ebert & Roeper and noticing how thin and old Roger Ebert has gotten. What the hell happened to him? Cancer?