Monday, May 01, 2006

Illegal immigration

How do people not understand the difference between LEGAL immigration and ILLEGAL immigration?

One is breaking the law of the very country you supposedly want to be a productive member of.

The other is following the law and joining society as a welcome member.

Which is better? Which should be rewarded? Which should be encouraged? And which should be discouraged/deported/criminalized/removed?

Guest workers and amnesties do not discourage. They encourage. Another remedy is needed.

America needs a national identification system. If we're to be a nation that can readily identify its citizens, why not? If we're to be a nation that can tell who does and who does not belong, why not? After all, what actually proves that a second-generation Hispanic woman is not illegal? A license? Those can be faked. A social security card? Can be faked. They don't have green cards for citizens.

Sure a national ID could also be faked with the right technology, if one were to be created. But would the electronic information connected to the card? The history of the ID?

This, if anything else, illustrates the weakness of the American system of identification. Allow state licenses. Allow state management of their own citizens. But as the 14th Amendment dictates, we are all American citizens by right of birth - those who come here to steal that birthright, and those who seek to subvert laws by soliciting such crimes are criminal. Establish mechanisms to handle the problem.

That's my $.02.

Back again

So I return to posting my thoughts and ramblings....

Been a good couple of months, with the girlfriend, the crazy dog, the cat, my brother... and everything else...

So, hello...