Thursday, October 27, 2005

Pretty as a picture




Tuesday my girlfriend and I celebrated our one month 'anniversary'. Before work, I snuck into her workplace - she works at a different library - and I left a 'Thinkiing of You' card with a teddy bear on it and a vase filled with carnations. We then went to lunch at a new place called Chunky Chef with our friend Francesca. We've had lunch out at different restaurants since we started dating in September.

After work, we met up and went to the Barbeque of Seville - an annual event held by the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra - and then listened to classical music.

Was a great date.

She's sweet, kind, has a certain sense of naiveté, patient, honest, loving, cute, funny, loud and passionate, and I'm pretty sure I could come up with more flattering adjectives and attributes, but that'll do.


These pictures are from when we went to the beach a couple of weekends ago. Four hours in the sun with a pretty girl.


Been away

Well not really.

Just been very busy. Moved to a better apartment. Started seeing someone I really like. Very lucky in both regards.

Other news...

Mom discovered that almost everything she had put in storage was pretty much destroyed by Katrina. This includes some of the few remaining items from mine and my brother's childhood - a good bit of which was lost in 1990 after the divorce began and everyone moved out of a trailer that was repo'ed. From the conversation that I recall, it's mostly just a few pictures, and that's all that my Dad has as well.

Antiques that belonged to my grandmother and great-grandmother were destroyed. Mom had put them in storage to keep them safe - it was one of those 'climate-controlled' indoor storage places. Hahaha. Irony.

My brother may have word on a better job. Hope it works out for him.

Work is going well. To see what I mostly do for a living go to I revamp the Library's website, working on improving it as well as my knowledge of Java, HTML, XHTML, XLST, PHP, etc. etc. I wish there were original versions of some of these pages to show what I have improved upon - there are probably (definitely, more likely) people who have better visions of a Library website, as well as more skills, but when you come from a hard-coding, self-taught, Notepad background, well, it takes some time.


The world goes on, as much as I bitch and moan about things, it's all good. I've got better things to think on. She'll be in the next post. :)


Only picture in the recent few that seemed post-worthy. :) Posted by Picasa

The picture is of a loading platform in the St. John's river, between the Dames Point Bridge and the Matthews, seen from Heckscher Drive. The sun has just gone down, and I'd really have loved to have gotten pictures from the bridge, but traffic wasn't about to let me park on it.